Why Are You Waiting Until New Year’s?
“What the new year brings to you depends a great deal on what you bring to the new year.”
Key Takeaways
There is no better way to prepare for New Year’s Resolution success than by starting 3 months early.
How would you feel if you could start the new year year with a new body, restored health, and ready to take 2022 by the horns?
An eye popping 80% of people abandon their New Year’s Resolutions by February 14th.
New Year’s Resolutions fail because:
You think too much and do too little
You don’t have a plan
You don’t know where to start
You set unrealistic goals
You don’t enjoy the process
You don’t track your progress
You don’t have an accountability system
According to a 2020 poll, three of the top four most common new year’s resolutions included:
Improving my fitness
Losing weight
Improving my diet (2)
The failed resolution dilemma has 2 solutions:
Start early
Full Story
What are you waiting for? Why would you wait until the darkest, coldest time of year to get in shape when you can get the ball rolling in the golden glow of October? Don’t wait until after the holidays to start improving your fitness. Start today - October is the new January.
So, let’s get right to it. 3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
You have some questions and understandably so.
What is he talking about?
Has John finally lost his mind?
Have I made a grave mistake by trusting this maniac with my health and fitness?
While you’re in the questioning mood, I’d like you to add one more to your list: How would you feel if you got a 3 MONTH HEAD START on your New Year’s Resolutions?
What’s so special about New Year’s, anyway? The cover is expensive and the hangover is brutal. You start the new year one step behind with an empty wallet and a pounding headache. On top of it all, you’re supposed to set ambitious goals for the new year the very next day? No way, José and no chance, Lance.
To Succeed, Start Early
Even though I’m a Cowboys’ fan, I don’t enjoy playing from behind.
Picture this - instead of starting January 1st a day late and a dollar short, you party your tail off on NYE to celebrate not only the New Year, but your previous 3 months of hard work and fitness progress. What if - instead of struggling to figure it out on your own - you go into the new year with 3 months of progress already under your belt. How would you feel if you could start the new year with a new body, restored health, and ready to take 2022 by the horns?
To boot, what if you had less:
“Inevitable” holiday weight gain
Questions on where to start or how to progress
Wasted time
Now, that would be something to celebrate on Dec. 31st.
Why 80% Of New Year’s Resolutions Fail In 6 Weeks
You know that most new year’s resolutions fail, but I bet you didn’t know that an eye popping 80% of people abandon their New Year’s Resolutions by February 14th (1). That’s no way to honor ol’ Saint Valentine.
I don’t even want to know the percentage that makes it to September, but my guess is that it’s <5%.
Here’s why New Year’s Resolutions fail:
You think too much and do too little
You don’t have a plan
You don’t prioritize your time optimally
You don’t know where to start
You set unrealistic goals
You don’t enjoy the process
You don’t track your progress
You don’t have an accountability system
As you can see, if you don’t plan ahead, the odds of success are stacked against you.
The Solution
It’s clear. The failed resolution dilemma has 2 solutions:
Start early
This post is a reminder of #1, and I do #2 for a living (“haha. He said ‘do number 2’”).
Sure, it’s crazy to prepare for your 2022 resolutions before the first October leaf has fallen to the ground. However, as Napoleon Hill once said:
“Success requires no explanation. Failure permits no alibis.”
In my experience, those that enjoy the most success are often just a bit crazy. Not crazy in the sense of practicing extreme restriction, risking your health by taking dangerous supplements, and working out so hard you vomit all over the gym floor.
Instead, those that attain success take “crazy” actions like thinking ahead, hiring a professional. and determining what you truly want and when you want it by - without horrible restriction or unnecessary workouts. Most importantly, they avoid wasting more time and suffering more frustration by trying to figure it out on their own. When you put it that way, it doesn’t sound crazy at all.
Why Health And Resolutions Are Intertwined
According to a 2020 poll, three of the top four most common new year’s resolutions included:
Improving my fitness
Losing weight
Improving my diet (2)
It’s no secret why the most popular resolutions are centered on fitness and body weight. Researchers have found that the average American gains all of the weight he/she will gain the entire year over the six week period between Thanksgiving and New Years (3).
In other words, if you’re like most Americans, you will gain 1 pound over the holidays and then maintain that new weight throughout the rest of the year.
There is no need to pound the panic button after gaining 1 pound. The trouble is that researchers have also found that the average American is unlikely to ever lose that holiday weight, resulting in an average gain of 10lbs over 10 years, 20lbs over 20 years, etc.
What’s Not Working?
This is not your first attempt to lose the fat, pack on some muscle, or improve your health. You’ve tried fad diets and flashy workout routines in the past, but they didn’t work. Why?
Popular diets and workout routines work. That’s why they gained popularity in the first place. The trouble is, they may not work for you.
Your metabolism isn’t broken and you’re not a “non-responder” to exercise. However, your past misguided attempts to diet and exercise may be negatively affecting your ability - on a physiological level - to make progress today.
Does this sound familiar? You embark on a new fitness routine, diet and make impressive progress - in the beginning. Then, you go right back to your old habits, get discouraged, and get knocked right back to where you started.
If you’ve tried, failed, and tried again to achieve your fitness goals, you know that a solid start doesn’t guarantee results. You can have the most perfect day 1 in the history of the Universe, but if you fail to prioritize key principles over time you will not have success.
If the concepts of consistency and finally achieving your goals sound intimidating and impossible, respectively, you’re not alone. The tricky part is applying the knowledge in a targeted way to not only achieve your goal efficiently but to learn the “how” behind the process so that you can repeat it time and time again.
That is my offer to you.
How You Can Be Successful
After helping hundreds of people achieve the body of their dreams and improve their health, I’ve identified the most common and debilitating obstacles that they face. To help my clients overcome these barriers, I have a system.
My 3 phase system - “The 6 Month Quick Fix” - has worked wonders for reversing metabolic adaptation, increasing lean muscle mass, and reducing body fat. Start, sweat, stick. That’s “all” it takes.
The 6 Month Quick Fix is a 3 phase program:
Phase 1 - START. Metabolism restoration + physical priming.
Phase 2 - SWEAT. Evidence-based approach to shedding fat and gaining strength.
Phase 3 - STICK. Integration of sustainable habits into your lifestyle.
Phase 1 sets the foundation and each successive phase builds upon the previous one in a periodized fashion. After completing the final phase, you will be stronger, healthier, and have made more progress in 6 months than you have over the previous 6 years. Most importantly, you’ll be able to maintain your gains and continue to make progress - on your own.
Throughout the program you will gain the knowledge to continue to improve your fitness without my help.
Here’s the best part - if you follow the plan to a T and do not achieve your goal within 6 months, I will continue coaching you for FREE for as long as it takes. If it takes another week, month, or 10 years for you to finally attain that elusive goal, I will be with you through it all.
For a limited time (the offer expires in ONE WEEK, on 10/5/21), you can receive a 30% discount on my 1 on 1 coaching service. You can click this link to schedule your FREE consultation.
Wrap Up
80% of people abdonon their new year’s resolutions by February
Over 50% of people set goals to lose weight, improve their fitness, or eat healthier, only to give up in one month
The majority of Americans gain only 1 pound over the holidays, but fail to ever lose it
These are the facts. Here’s another fact - if you decide to work with me, you will become part of the fortunate minority that achieve their dream body, improve their health, and avoid holiday weight gain.
If you follow my intricately designed plan to a T, you will:
Improve your diet without feeling starved or deprived
Gain muscle and strength, regardless of your previous activity level
Maximize your fitness while minimizing time in the gym
Maintain your health and physique even when life gets in the way (as it always does)
Finally hop off the diet roller coaster Increase confidence in how your body looks, performs, and feels
Be a healthier and happier human for your family, friends, and yourself
To see if we would be a good fit, you can sign up for your free coaching call HERE.
Or, you can fill out a coaching application form HERE.
Just imagine how amazing it would feel to start off 2022 already well on your way to the best shape of your entire life. If you want to eliminate the guesswork, headaches, and frustration and finally improve your health and fitness, shoot me a message below. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or comments!
Happy Fall and Happy New Year, my friends.
GIF Sources: Michael and Erin Romo Plankton Joey Cookie Monster Michael Jimmy Keenan Dwight