Are You Too Busy For Fitness? Find The Antidote In My NEW Ebook
“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”
Key Takeaways
Your goals don’t dictate your success.
The differentiating factor between those that achieve their goals and those that fall short is not the goal itself but the systems you implement.
Goals are for planning progress. Systems are for making progress.
To have a coach help you develop fitness systems for long term success, learn more HERE.
To download your free edition of my new Ebook “NO TIME: The Busy Professional’s Guide To Getting Strong + Lean”, click the button below!
Full Story
You’re too busy for fitness. You barely have time to sleep, let alone devote hours to the gym and kitchen. The last thing you want to think about is push ups and broccoli.
Here’s what I’m not going to tell you:
“Instead of making excuses, make time!”
“If it was really important to you, you would get it done.”
“Quit complaining and grind!!”
Nope. You’re not going to hear that type of nonsense here at Solokas Focus. You already understand that prioritizing your fitness is the key to:
Feeling confident in your own skin
Improving the way your body looks, performs, and feels
Staving off debilitating chronic disease
Living a long + healthy life
You know all that already. I’m not going to berate you for struggling to make time for fitness because:
We all struggle at times
I’m too nice to berate you
Instead, I’m going to teach you how to get the MOST out of the limited time that you can dedicate to your health. That way, you can maximize your results while minimizing wasted time.
“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
Your goal is your desired outcome. Your system is the collection of daily habits that will get you there.
This year, spend less time focusing on outcomes and more time focusing on the habits that precede the results.”
- James Clear
When you’re busy, you can’t afford to waste time focusing your efforts in the wrong places. To have sustainable fitness success, it is essential that you place more emphasis on the process rather than the outcome. By prioritizing habits over goals, you will set yourself up for success and defend yourself against the tumultuous obstacles that threaten long term progress.
Don’t celebrate your goals. Celebrate your consistency. It’s fine to set a goal, but it alone does not increase your chances of a positive outcome.
Winners And Losers Have The Same Goals
Your goals don’t dictate your success. Winners and losers have the same goal. Every actor wants to win an emmy. Every NFL player wants to hoist the Lombardi Trophy. Every healthy hopeful wants to lose fat, gain muscle, and feel better.
Goals are not worthless. Setting goals is an effective way to focus and prioritize your efforts. Plus, goals establish a clear finish line. Running a marathon (or one mile, in my case) is significantly more bearable when there is an end in sight.
The differentiating factor between those that achieve their goals and those that fall short is not the goal itself but the systems you implement. Goals will get you started in the right direction. Implementing systems of positive habits will build momentum and lead to success.
In short, goals are for planning progress. Systems are for making progress.
When you’re busy to even think about fitness, you need to make sure that your systems are efficient and effective. If you’re not sure where to even start, fear not. I have formulated the antidote to help you prioritize your efforts and make more progress in the next few months than you have in the past few years.
We Don’t Rise To The Level Of Our Goals
“We fall to the level of our systems.” There is no aspect of life in which this sentiment is more true than fitness.
Your fitness systems will vary. They may include:
A resistance training program
A daily walking habit
A calorie/macronutrient
A weekly meal prep plan
A pre-bed routine
Or, you can outsource your system to a fitness coach.
Sign up for your free coaching call here
It doesn’t matter what your system is, it matters that you have one. There are many roads to Rome. As long as you learn to appreciate the process rather than bouncing from one goal to another, you will have success.
P.S. - These ideas are not my own. It is my interpretation of James Clear’s concepts from his book, Atomic Habits. If you’re trying to make a change - in fitness or any area of your life - I highly recommend checking it out.
What Systems Do You Have In Place For Your Fitness?
To fix your sink you hire a plumber, to fix your finances you hire an accountant, and to fix your car you hire a mechanic. To fix your fitness, you hire a fitness coach. Fitness is one of the few arenas in life where people will struggle on their own for their entire lives rather than seeking professional help.
Just like with your pipes, money, and motors, the best way to improve your fitness is by hiring a coach to help you figure it out. If you’re ready to make a positive change and join the hoards of people I’ve helped transform their bodies and improve their health, you can fill out a coaching application here.
In the meantime, it would make me feel better if you had a blueprint of the most important fitness systems to implement to improve your health, physical appearance, and self-confidence.
I’d like you to take this gift - free of charge.
My New, Free Ebook
My new Ebook, “NO TIME: The Busy Professional’s Guide To Getting Strong And Lean” is hot off the presses!
In the Ebook, you’ll find the only ten habits you need to be fit. If you consistently follow these habits - and only these habits -you will lose fat, gain muscle, and improve your health. GUARANTEED.
Essentially, establishing these 10 habits is a simplified way to achieve your fitness goals without wasting any time. 10 actionable tips that you can implement tomorrow.
Speaking of guarantees, on Page 94 of the book you’ll find an EXCLUSIVE offer. If you’d like a guaranteed way to achieve your #1 fitness goal in 6 months or less, you may want to check it out.
Trust me, it’ll be worth your time. 😉
You can sign up for your free Ebook below: