50 Shades Of Yellow - How To Drink More Water And Why It Matters

I love my girlfriend. I really do. But she drives me crazy.

For nearly 4 years, we’ve rehearsed the same scene.

  • Girlfriend - I have a headache

  • Me - I’m sorry, dear. Have you had any water today?

  • Girlfriend - Um. Maybe a few sips.

  • Me - Huh. I’m trying to have sympathy, but you don’t make it easy.

  • Girlfriend - Shut up and bring me 2 Advils, please.

You see, she is a lifelong member of an exclusive club. Which club?

“Club People That Know Drinking Water Will Make Them Feel Better But Flat Out Refuse To Do So.”

Members of this club are everywhere. Friends, family members, even the 1.5 year old Golden Doodle “Lou” we dog-sat this weekend (that freaking dog would not take more than 2 laps of his water bowl, even after a 30 minute walk in the Houston heat.)

In the physical therapy clinic, at least 1/4th of the patients are lifelong members. You would think that me explaining, “staying hydrated will help you heal faster” would make a difference. You know what? It makes zero difference.

I’ve never understood the core values of this club and never will.

I drink a glass of water second thing in the morning - just after brushing my teeth and before drinking my cold brew - every day. My pee hasn’t been darker than “cornsilk” since 2015.

Let’s use the above palette for reference.

If I were you, I would shoot for light yellow 2 or lighter on a consistent basis. If you’re averaging a Glazed Corn or darker, you have room for improvement and need to drink more fluids.

You don’t need to drink only water, either. Any liquid will work just fine (for our purposes of improving health, low or zero calorie options are king). Yes, even coffee or tea. It’s a myth that coffee is dehydrating.

Here’s one of my favorite coaches drinking only coffee for a day to prove it:

I Drank ONLY COFFEE for 1 Whole Day to See if it Dehydrated Me (Here's What Happened)

Back to the topic at hand. Why should you listen to me? Because there are tons of reasons to drink more water and it’s the easiest way to feel better immediately.

5 Benefits Of Staying Hydrated

  • Energy Boost: Water keeps you feeling refreshed and energized throughout the day.

  • Healthy Skin: Drinking water helps keep your skin hydrated and glowing.

  • Less Joint Pain - Staying hydrated is effective for reducing chronic joint pain and for reducing risk of soft tissue (muscle) injuries.

  • Better Digestion: Water helps your body digest food and move things along smoothly. Drinking plenty of liquids throughout the day will also reduce hunger and make it easier to lose weight.

  • Focus and Brainpower: Staying hydrated helps you think clearly and stay focused.

  • Kidney Health: Water helps your kidneys filter out waste and ward off my personal #1 fear - kidney stones.

Come on, guys. If you could bottle up those benefits it in pill, it would fly off the shelves.

If you’re trying to…

  • lose fat

  • gain muscle

  • recover from an injury

  • improve your health

…staying hydrated will fast track your results.

5 Easy Ways to Drink More Water.

I get it. Many people struggle with drink enough throughout the day. You’re busy, you hate the taste of water, you exclusively drink black coffee, etc.

To help you increase your water intake, here are five easy and practical ways to ensure you stay hydrated:

1. Set a Goal and Track Your Progress - Start by setting a specific daily water consumption goal. This could be based on your weight or activity level, but generally, aiming for at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day is a good starting point. When in doubt, use the pee color chart to double check that you’re in a good spot.

2. Carry a Water Bottle Everywhere - Invest in a durable, reusable water bottle that you can carry with you throughout the day. Keep it at your desk, in your car, or in your bag. Having water readily available will serve as a constant reminder to drink and make it easier to reach for hydration whenever you're thirsty.

3. Infuse Your Water with Flavor - If you find plain water boring, experiment with natural flavor additions. Add slices of fresh fruits like lemon, lime, berries, or cucumber to infuse your water with refreshing taste. Even calorie-free water enhancers like Mio or Cystal Light are great options. Giving your water some flavor will entice you to drink more.

4. Set Reminders and Establish a Routine - It's easy to get caught up in our busy lives and forget to drink water. To combat this, set reminders on your phone or computer at regular intervals throughout the day. Additionally, try incorporating water-drinking moments into your routine, like drinking a glass before each meal or after every bathroom break.

5. Expand Your Beverage Choices - While drinking water should be your primary source of hydration, you can also consume fluids through other beverages. Enjoy herbal teas, sparkling water, or even water-based fruits and vegetable juices. Although these alternatives can be hydrating, it's important to prioritize plain water and limit sugary or caffeinated drinks.

My Favorite Thing About Staying Hydrated

You may very well be thinking - Who cares about water, anyway. Mind your business and quit nagging me, John!

I know it’s boring. But it’s important for reasons beyond the benefits listed above. Here’s why - it’s a Snowball Starter.

A Snowball Starter is an easy action that will lead to other positive habits. If you stay hydrated, you’ll have less hunger, more energy, and better workouts. A few extra glasses of water are worth their weight in gold if it gives you a 5% boost toward your overall fitness goals.

Plus, healthy people drink water. You know it, I know it.

If you make drinking water a consistent part of your routine, you’ll have at least one habit under your belt that will help you identify as a healthy person. The more you think of yourself as a healthy person, the more likely you’ll be to follow through on your goals.

Now, I need to get going. If I don’t get my girlfriend those Advils, we’re both in for a world of hurt.


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