If You Could Only Do Ten Exercises The Rest Of Your Life
Some guys fantasize about fancy cars or personalized golf clubs. Me? I ponder a deeper, existential question:
Can You Gain Muscle While Losing Fat?
You can do both. But you need to be the right kind of person and do the right things.
50 Day Plan To Get In Shape
I learned everything I know about getting in shape from the movie, “50 First Dates.” Find out why (and learn how to get in shape in 50 days).
5 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self (About Fitness)
If I had a time machine, I would grab my 13 year old self by his scrawny shoulders, shake him, and plead with him to understand these 5 things.
How This Busy VP Lost Five Pounds In His First Week Working With Me
3 surprising yet simple changes that helped Daniel shed 5 pounds in 7 days.
How To Boost Your Metabolism
Your ears perk up after reading the word, “metabolism”, don’t they? Learn what it is and how to boost it, so you can burn more calories and lose fat faster.
How To Sleep Well - Transform Your Health While You Snooze
There's one key ingredient that might be missing from your quest for optimal health. Find out why sleep can make or break your results. Plus, learn how to get the best night’s sleep you’ve had in years.
How Matt Lost 25 Pounds and Did His First Pull Up Since The ‘90s (Without Giving Up Beer)
Matt absolutely crushed it. Find out how and why he changed his life (hint - it has to do with scuba diving).
Why he’s down 40 pounds but feels like a failure.
My client has lost 40 pounds, and he feels like a failure. How insane is that?
Top Twelve Keys To Building Muscle Fast
I toiled away for years without making progress. If you focus on these 12 muscle building tips, you can avoid making the same mistakes I did.