It’s Impossible To Be Fat
You’re not fingernail, you’re not hair, and you’re not fat. You may have fat, but that’s a different story.
Puberty, Public Speaking, and Pull-Ups
Although I don’t know much about teenagers or talking in front of crowds, I DO know about pull-ups.
3 Reasons Training to Failure is Like an Ice Cream Sundae
Training to failure is exactly like eating an ice cream sundae. Find out why.
Simple is Best - A Case Study
You know what’s better than the perfect workout program? One that you’ll actually stick to long term.
Want More Core Definition + Less Low Back Pain? Try the Bird Dog Row
I guarantee you’ve never done this exercise before. Find out why you should integrate it into your routine today - but only if you want less pain, improved strength, and more core definition.
5 Ways To Get a Sleeve Busting PUMP
If performed correctly, blood rushes through your veins and stretches your skin, busting sleeves and turning heads. If not, flat and sad muscles will be in your future.
One Habit That Will Cut Your Risk of Death in Half!
This easy habit is free, requires no equipment, and reduces your risk of dying from all causes by nearly 50%.
HOW to Get Jacked - 3 Mechanisms of Hypertrophy
Here are 3 research-backed training strategies for sleeve-busting pumps, more growth, and better results.