You’re Not You When You’re Hungry
Snickers popularized it it, humans have known it for millions of years, and a new study supports it: You’re not the same when you’re hungry.
7 Easy Ways To Eat Fruits And Vegetables (Hint - No Steamed Broccoli)
An apple a day is not enough to keep the doctor away, but five (fruits and vegetables) keeps you alive. Learn how to eat enough, without any suffering.
2021 Study - To Live Longer, All It Takes is 5 Fruits and Vegetables Per Day
5 fruits and vegetables per day is all it takes to live longer, new study says. In fact, it reduces your risk of death by 13%.
My Meatless Muscle-Building Month
For 31 days, I swapped the turkey for tofu, the chicken for chickpea pasta, and the pork for protein powder. Find out if going meatless caused me to go muscle-less.
Meatless Meathead: Why You Don’t Need Meat To Build Muscle
I’M A VEGAN. Not really, but now that I have your attention - find out why meat is NOT integral to a muscle-building diet.
Craving Cake Instead of Carrots? Blame Millions of Years of Evolution
The evolutionary drive to eat sweets instead of vegetables kept our ancestors alive but is killing us today. Find out why.
The Only Important Diet Tip
Keto is not key, vegan is not vital, and sugar-free is not superior! To attain and maintain good health, this is the only tip you need.
7 Reasons To Eat Chocolate - “Food of the Gods”
You don’t need more reasons to eat chocolate, but I’m going to give you seven.
Reframe Setbacks: 1 Bad Day = 1 Good Day
It may not feel like it, but one day of Doritos and Dunkaroos will not set you back any further than a day of squats and salad will move you forward.
Artificial Sweeteners Are Healthier Than Sugar
There are virtually no “facts” in the nutrition space, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say it - Artificial sweeteners will always be better for your health than sugar.