Taste The Rainbow
“We never know the beauty of the rainbow unless we see it. ”
Full Story
We’re not talking skittles, we’re talking fruits and vegetables (I can’t believe the produce industry didn’t think of that slogan first).
You already know that eating plenty of produce is good for your health, but did you know you get BONUS POINTS for eating a variety of colors? That’s right, 5 apples a day won’t exactly cut it.
The Colors
It’s beneficial to eat the rainbow because each color contains UNIQUE antioxidants and nutrients:
🍎RED - Lycopene, Carotenoids
🍑ORANGE - Beta-Carotene, Flavonoids
🍌YELLOW - Vitamin C, Lutein
🥦GREEN - Sulphorane, Folate, Indols
🔵BLUE - Anthocyanins
🍆PURPLE - Resveratrol, Polyphenols
🧅WHITE - Allicin, Potassium, Beta-Glucans
“John, will eating these foods help me lose fat?”
NO. Not directly, unless eating them helps you to consume fewer calories than you burn (for many, they do!)
“John, will eating these foods make me…
•have healthier skin/hair/nails
•more resilient to sickness
•better in a hundred other ways
YES, all of the above!
Add Some Color To Your Life
If your diet consists SOLELY of whites and browns, you may want to consider an upgrade.
If you struggle to work colors into your diet, try:
•SLOW + STEADY - add one new color in per week or month
•HIDE + SEEK - hide pumpkin into your oatmeal or spinach into your smoothie
•EXPLORE - try a variety of options for each color to see which one you like best. Broccoli isn’t the only green food!
NOTE - that doesn’t mean you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” eat foods, just that you should aim to eat a variety of nutrient-dense fruits and veggies along with them.
Wrap Up
There aren’t many certainties in health and fitness. Here’s one of them - eating a variety of colors from natural sources will make you healthier.
Start slow, but start soon. Add in some blueberries today or a carrot tomorrow. The more colors the better.
P.S. - Skittles don’t count.