Work Out Like You Brush Your Teeth

I slept 10 hours Saturday night. I had 2.5 coffees and a big breakfast on Sunday. I should’ve been rested, motivated, and ready to have a great workout.

But I felt ehhhhhhh.

My body felt heavy, the weights felt heavier, and I wanted to do anything but lift weights.

All you do is pick them up and put them down, anyway. It’s pointless. Fruitless. Dumb!

That’s how I felt. Do you know how many times I considered skipping the workout?

Zero. Nada. ZIP.

That’s because I’m a warrior. An absolute machine with the willpower of ten thousand men. I won’t let anything stop me on my journey to getting slightly stronger and building slightly bigger muscles.

Just kidding.

I don’t skip workouts because I don’t skip brushing my teeth. And that’s because I apply what I do best to both activities - NOT THINKING.

Not thinking is my super power. Just ask my fiancè (although she may dispute the use of “super power”).

Back to the point - I don’t skip brushing my teeth and I don’t skip working out.

When it’s time to brush your teeth you (hopefully) you don’t mull over your options.

🦷”Eh, I brushed em yesterday. I can take the day off.”

🦷“Eh, I don’t really like the taste of mint.”

🦷“Who needs teeth, anyway? Pudding and mashed potatoes wouldn’t be a bad life.”

🦷“Dogs don’t brush their teeth and they get on just fine!”

If you approach working out like brushing your teeth, you eliminate the possibility of talking yourself out of it.

We humans have these “advanced” brains that tend to complicate things.

Sometimes, you just need to turn that puppy off and do the thing.

Well, that’s been my strategy so far. I’ll let you know how it works out.



P.S. What we made for dinner on Saturday. Yum!

3 Steps You Can Take

  1. Apply for coaching - If you’re ready to start, you can fill out a coaching application here (it takes 90 seconds or less). Best case, you change your life. Worst case, I’ll help you draw up a road map to get closer to your goals.

  2. Sign up for my newsletter - If you’d like to hear more, sign up for my mailing list here.

  3. Keep learning - You can check out my other articles here. Nobody asked me to, but I’ve spent a ton of time researching everything from artificial sweeteners to saturated fat to testosterone and more, so you don’t have to.


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