Why Going To Bed At 9:30 Changed My Life

Going to bed at 9:30 changed my life.

Sure, I never get to watch Jimmy Kimmel Live, and I’m under the covers before the pregame starts. But it’s so worth it.

If you want to be lean and healthy, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule is the most impactful thing you can do. 

Here’s why:

  1. It’s one of the best things you can do for your overall health

  2. It’s one of the most effective ways to stick to healthy habits

The Health Benefits of Quality Sleep

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Function and Memory Consolidation

Quality sleep enables the brain to process and consolidate memories, improving learning, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive function.

2. Improved Physical Health and Disease Prevention

Consistent, high-quality sleep supports improved recovery, boosts your immune system, reduces inflammation, regulates blood pressure, and lowers the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Plus, it supports fat loss AND muscle gain. 

3. Enhanced Emotional and Mental Well-being

 Good sleep helps regulate mood, reduces the risk of depression and anxiety, and enhances emotional resilience.

4. Increased Longevity and Healthspan

Quality sleep is associated with increased lifespan, reduced risk of age-related diseases, and supports cellular repair and detoxification processes, promoting healthier aging.

All fantastic reasons to get a good night’s sleep. But the most profound benefit of sleep is how it can alter the trajectory of your entire day.

The Lifestyle Benefits of A Consistent Sleep Schedule 

Going to bed on time is the domino that sets all of my other healthy habits into action.

✅If I’m in bed by 9:30, I wake up at 5am (without feeling like death)

✅If I wake up at 5am, I have enough time to get a great workout in.

✅If I get a great workout in, I’m more motivated to eat well

✅If I eat well, I’m energized and feel good

✅If I feel good, I can handle anything the day brings 

And if I’ve done all the above, by 9:30 I’m ready to sleep. 

That means I rarely have trouble falling asleep and never have the urge to scroll until 1am. 

What You Can Do Today 

An actionable first step you can start this week is getting into a consistent sleep schedule. It doesn’t matter if you go to bed at 3am and wake up at 12p - just try to fall asleep and wake up around the same times each day.

Step two is shifting your bed time by 15 minute increments. So, if you eventually want to go to bed at 10am and wake up at 6am, but are currently on the 3am-12pm schedule, aim to shift to 2:45 am-11:45am for a few days, then to 2:30-11:30, etc.

Having a steady sleep routine provides structure, frees up mental and physical energy, and is incredibly beneficial for long term health. Plus, you can always watch Jimmy Kimmel on YouTube the day after. 



P.S. If you’re looking for Heaven, it can be found in these croissant/chocolate chip cookie hybrids:

3 Steps You Can Take

  1. Apply for coaching - If you’re ready to start, you can fill out a coaching application here (it takes 90 seconds or less). Best case, you change your life. Worst case, I’ll help you draw up a road map to get closer to your goals.

  2. Sign up for my newsletter - If you’d like to hear more, sign up for my mailing list here.

  3. Keep learning - You can check out my other articles here. Nobody asked me to, but I’ve spent a ton of time researching everything from artificial sweeteners to saturated fat to testosterone and more, so you don’t have to.


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