Don’t Know Where To Begin With Fitness? Start With This
“The secret to getting ahead is getting started. ”
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6 days in and you haven’t done a thing, because you don’t know where to start. To get going, start with the fantastic four.
No, I’m not talking about Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and Thing. Nope. My fantastic four is a list of the most effective, easiest, and free things you can start tomorrow to kick start your fitness journey and improve your health.
Tip 1: Eat mostly minimally processed foods
WHY: Controlled studies have found that those that eat minimally processed foods consume few calories, feel fuller, and lose more weight than those that eat mostly ultra processed
HOW: Make 80% of your intake foods that have less than 2 ingredients (meat, eggs, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds, rice, legumes, etc.) and 20% whatever you like.
Related blogs to get you started:
2021 Study - To Live Longer, All It Takes is 5 Fruits and Vegetables Per Day
7 Easy Ways To Eat Fruits And Vegetables (Hint - No Steamed Broccoli)
How To Lose Fat Without Getting Hungry
Fitness Supplement Rankings - 1st Round Picks
Tip 2: Sleep 7-9 hours/night
WHY: If you get 7+ hours of high quality sleep most nights you’re more likely to have more muscle/less fat, less hunger, reduced risk of disease, improved hormone levels, and more energy.
HOW: In addition to setting a “wake up” alarm, set a “bedtime” alarm. When it goes off, put down your phone, turn down the lights, and start to wind down to make sure you get to bed on time.
Related blogs to get you started:
8 Reasons to Sleep Before You’re Dead
Tip 3: Resistance train 2-3x/week
WHY: Those that resistance train consistently have improved blood sugar control, more muscle mass, and live longer than their sedentary counterparts.
HOW: Start with 2x/week, 30 min per session. Do 2-3 sets of an exercise for each movement pattern: push, pull, hinge, squat, and carry/other accessory. If you’d like more details on how to set up a personalized routine, let me know.
Related blogs to get you started:
7 Minute Full Body Warm Up
HOW to Get Jacked - 3 Mechanisms of Hypertrophy
5 Ways To Get a Sleeve Busting PUMP
Are You Too Busy For Fitness? Find The Antidote In My NEW Ebook
Tip 4: Walk 7-9k steps/day
WHY: Walking enough each day is the easiest way to maintain cardiovascular health, prevent fat gain, and reduce risk of disease. What’s “enough”? The research supports a minimum of 7-9k steps/day.
HOW: Add 2-3 ten minute walks into your day. First thing in the morning, at lunch, and after dinner are all great ideas.
Related blogs to get you started:
Wrap Up
If you don’t know how to begin, these 4 habits are a terrific place to start. Simple, free, and effective. How can you beat that?
Are you still overwhelmed? Too busy, lazy, or scared to start?
I’m here to help. If you’d like personal advice to help you with your goals in 2022, please let me know below:
GIF Sources: Fantastic Four Spongebob Bugs